Christmas Markets in Vienna

If you plan to go to a Christmas Market this year, you may need to pick one.
Here is a aggregated diagram of major christmas markets in Vienna made with SvgPublish add-in (click the diagram to open in a new window):

The features used:

  • Content templates, to either replace a market mug with a picture, or leave as-is if there is no picture
  • Linking to data, to get all the data about the markes. I’ve collected the data basically from site. Of course if more markets are discovered they can be added to the Excel file.
  • Popover when markt icon is hovered.
  • Open map in a new window on click.
  • A bit of custom styles (using CSS tab in VisPublish to make the whole thing look a bit nicer)

What the source diagram looks like when opened in Visio:

The source diagram (and the source excel data file) can be found here:

The published diagram:

Updating the diagram to also show if the market is open/closed is possible (like a dimmed mug or red mug), but that would require a bit of javascript code, does not look possible with just text-only formatting. Maybe with the next iteration )

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