SvgPublish Addin 1.6 released

Please download the latest version from the Add-In page:


  • new Allow Explicit Property Selection for Display and for Search
  • new Previous and Next Highlighting
  • improvement Install for Current User Only by Default
  • improvement Shortcut in the Start Menu
  • bugfix Fixed script/template editing (autocmoplete)
  • bugfix Files with double-extensions now should be handled properly again

New: Allow Explicit Property Selection for Display and for Search

Added two select boxes to allow explicit property selection for the sidebar and for the search. By default, all visible properties are used (like before). However, you can now limit these to only the ones you wish to see. For instance, with linked data, you might have properties like ‘ID’ that are not needed for display. These can now be easily hidden in svgpublish.


New: Previous and Next Highlighting

You can now highlight connected shapes easily by using the optional ‘Additional selection highlight’ feature. On the picture below, shape "B" is selected; shape "A" is highlighted as "previous", and shapes "C" and "D" are highlighted as "next" ones. This could be useful for complex diagrams, to track the relations between objects.


A highlight color can be specified for shapes connected to/from the selected one:


Improvement: Install for Current User Only by Default

Previously, it required an ADMIN prompt, which often discouraged installation. Now, the default is per-user. You can still install per-machine (as admin), if you select "Advanced" install.

New: Launcher App (Add Shortcut to Start Menu)

Adds a shortcut to launch Visio with the add-in after installation from the start menu.

Fixed: Script and template editing

Now the auto-complete in the script editor should work properly (i.e. if you use something like diagram. you should get the completions after dot)

Fixed: File with Double Extensions

Previously, files with double extensions, like ‘some.file.vsdx’, were not processed correctly in version 1.5. Instead of generating ‘some.file.html’, it created ‘some.html’. This issue has been resolved.

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