SvgPublish 1.4.0 released – content templates

SvgPublish Visio add-In 1.4.0 release provides shape content templates, human-readable names for pages. The template editor includes Edge WebView2 support. Download The latest version: The extension’s page What is new in this release [feature] Allow human-readable name for pages (or indexes) #65 [feature] provide item templates #57 [bug][customer] …

SvgPublish 1.3.3 released – SharePoint export related fixes

This maintenance release of SvgPublish Visio extension adds some fixes related to SharePoint export to improve the stability. Recommended if you are using export to SharePoint to make better use of features added in the previous release. Download Visit the extension’s page:

SvgPublish 1.3.2 released – new selection options, sidebar options, simplified SharePoint settings

Download the latest version: The extension’s page Highlights Advanced selection options Filter search results by properties Simplified SharePoint settings Bugfixes and minor enhancements

SvgPublish use case: Principalities in Medieval Russia

This post is a customer use case: using SvgPublish Visio extension to modernize website (Principalities of Medieval Russia). The Runivers team uses the SvgPublish to update the site, and recently shared a nice example. This use can also demonstrates some new features in the SvgPublish added recently, like custom selection …

SvgPublish Extension 1.3.1 released

Download the latest version: The extension’s page What is new in this release [bugfix] cursor "pointer" for no reason on the shapes #47 [enhancement] Feature to automatically pick up URLs in properties #45 [enhancement] css classes are not set for background shapes #40 [enhancement] simple bounding-box selection and …