New Visio book by David J Parker

Davd J. Parker’s new Visio 2013 book was recently released by PACKT Publishing:

Microsoft Visio 2013  Business Process Diagramming and Validation

I personally participated in the review process of this book (as a technical reviewer), and I would like to recommend the book for all Visio users and developers, who model processes with Visio, or develop their own solutions using Microsoft Visio. The book includes a lot of useful information on Visio diagram validation (check out the Rules Tool), Visio solution publishing (in particular, e.g. SharePoint 365 integration), Visio add-in development using .NET and WPF technologies, and many other interesting topics!

If you are a Microsoft Visio 2013 Professional Edition user or developer who wants to get to grips with both the basic features of Visio 2013 and the new Validation Rules in this edition, then this book is for you. A working knowledge of Microsoft Visio, and optionally .NET for the add-in code, is required, though previous knowledge of business process diagramming is not necessary. More experienced Visio users will gain valuable knowledge for building add-ins and creating and publishing rules. If you want to achieve results from Visio 2013 beyond the ordinary out-of-the-box features, then this book is ideal for you. Although this book covers the Professional Edition, much of the book is still useful if you are a Visio 2013 Standard Edition user.

Table of contents

Chapter 1. Overview of Process Management in Microsoft Visio 2013
Chapter 2. Understanding the Microsoft Visio Object Model
Chapter 3. Understanding the ShapeSheet™
Chapter 4. Understanding the Validation API
Chapter 5. Developing a Validation API Interface
Chapter 6. Reviewing Validation Rules and Issues
Chapter 7. Creating Validation Rules
Chapter 8. Publishing Validation Rules and Diagrams
Chapter 9. A Worked Example for Data Flow Model Diagrams – Part 1
Chapter 10. A Worked Example for Data Flow Model Diagrams – Part 2
Chapter 11. A Worked Example for Data Flow Model Diagrams – Part 3
Chapter 12. Integrating Validated Diagrams with SharePoint 2013 and Office365

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