PdfTip Visio Add-In Support

If you have encountered an issue with PdfTip Visio Add-In, please consider the following: Latest Release: Check out the latest build, the issue may be fixed there: https://github.com/nbelyh/visiopdftip-releases/releases GitHub Issues Check out or create a new issue on GitHub: https://github.com/nbelyh/visiopdftip-releases/issues Visio PdfTip Web App Issues on GitHub: https://github.com/nbelyh/visiopdftip-releases/issues Telegram Chat …

Order PdfTip Visio Addin

The PdfTip Visio Addin comes in two editions – free community edition and paid commercial edition. You may use PdfTIp for your private (non-commercial) projects free of charge. If you would like to use the PdfTip Addin in a commercial organization, or you want to get a professional support and …

PdfTip Visio Add-In

The extension add the interactive annotations to the PDF produced by Visio. There are some settings that can be customized. In addition to the standard controls (pages, background, etc) you’ll get addition "Comments" section to export the shape comments (inserted as tooltips). Download sample PDF Please see the attached sample …