ShapeSheet Watch

ShapeSheet Watch – a window (addin) which facilitates editing Visio ShapeSheet cells. Works more or less similar to a Watch in IDE. This is the first (beta) version (1.0.5) The installer should work with Visio 2003 – 2013 The ShapeSheet Watch window shows (selected) ShapeSheet cells for the selected shape. …

Base Point Addin

Many drawing products feature so-called "base point" operations. In particular, AutoCad has "Copy with base point", "Move with base point". This operation may be quite useful for precise positioning of the content being copied/moved. To achieve this, at the first step a "base point" is selected, and on the second …

Jump to Shape

This tiny plugin adds Jump to shape in Drawing Explorer command to Visio, which may become quite handy if you work with some complex drawings. The command is to be found in the context menu of the shape (when Visio runs in developer mode). Remember to turn it on for …

Find Command in Ribbon

This free Visio add-in helps to quickly find Visio command. Use Visio 2010/2013 and cannot find a command in ribbon? Just type in the keyword which is part of command name, and hit enter. All the commands which contain this keyword will be shown by the plugin as buttons. And …