The great Paul Herber’s Visio Super Utilities, will live and be maintained by me. Paul decided to entrust me the maintenance and further development of the product. The first Unmanaged Visio build is version 3.8. Read more on VisGuy site.
Will try to do my best to maintain and improve the Super Utilities in the future.
New Super Utilities Website
A place to put the ideas what to add there (yes, GitHub, new times new sites):
Beta releases feed (the stable one is on the main site, the "download" button)
For the current 3.8 version added two new things:
- The installer does not require admin permissions anymore.
- Launcher app that would allow placing the Utilities to the Windows store in the future (start menu shortcut)
- All existing keys (licenses) should continue working as-is.
- Now in addition to the existing one, there is a subscription option (month-to-month)