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ISharePointPublishOptions Interface

Defines SharePoint related options (authentication, pages, navigation, etc)

Namespace:  GenerateVisioSvg
Assembly:  GenerateVisioSvg (in GenerateVisioSvg.dll) Version: (
public interface ISharePointPublishOptions

The ISharePointPublishOptions type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAssetsLibrary
The relative path of the assets library (where to put scripts, etc)
Public propertyAuthenticationMode
Sets the authentication mode
Public propertyEnableWebPartHeight
Enables fixed height for the web part
Public propertyEnableWebPartPage
Enables generation of the accompanying web part page
Public propertyEnableWebPartTitle
Enables title for the web part
Public propertyEnableWebPartWidth
Enables fixed width for the web part
Public propertyLeftNavLink
Enables generation of "sidebar" navigation link
Public propertyPagesLibrary
The relative path of the pages library (where to put files)
Public propertyPassword
SharePoint user password (for authentication)
Public propertySiteUrl
The root URL of the SharePoint site
Public propertyTargetUrl
The root url where the page has been published to SharePoint
Public propertyTopNavLink
Enables generation of "top menu" navigation link
Public propertyUserName
SharePoint user name (for authentication)
Public propertyWebPartHeight
The web part height
Public propertyWebPartTargetUrl
The page URL to point to (set automatically)
Public propertyWebPartTitle
The web part title to set
Public propertyWebPartWidth
The web part width
See Also