Click or drag to resize

IPublishOptions Properties

The IPublishOptions type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllPages
If set, all diagram pages will be published.
Public propertyCSS
Cusotm css code to be embedded
Public propertyCustomTemplatePath
If specified, overrides default template
Public propertyDiagramName
The name to be shown on the sidebar
Public propertyDisk
Additional option for "local" (disk) publication
Public propertyDocumentFullPath
The path to the source Visio document (may be used by extensions)
Public propertyEnableCode
Enables code editor for the sidebar
Public propertyEnableD3
Includes D3 library to be added to the exported site Enables rich interactivity for the javascript shape manipulations
Public propertyEnableLayers
Enable layer toggles in the sidebar Allows to show/hide layers on the published diagram
Public propertyEnableLinks
Show shape hyperlink(s) in the sidebar
Public propertyEnableMultiPageSearch
Enables search for multiple pages (creates multi-page index)
Public propertyEnableMustache
Includes MUSTACHE library to be added to the exported site Enables templating functionality for the shapes
Public propertyEnablePageLookup
Show "Page search" fox on the sidebar to support page navigation
Public propertyEnablePages
Show "Pages" pane on the sidebar to support page navigation
Public propertyEnablePopoverHtml
Enables custom template for the popovers
Public propertyEnablePopovers
Enables popover function
Public propertyEnableProps
Show shape properties in the sidebar
Public propertyEnableSearch
Enables search sidebar widget
Public propertyEnableSelection
Enable shape selection. Will hightlight the selected shape when clicked Required for displaying shape properties/links/etc in the sidebar
Public propertyEnableSidbarTitle
If set, then the sidebar title will be shown
Public propertyEnableSidebar
Enables the sidebar
Public propertyEnableSidebarHtml
If set, then custom sidebar html will be shown
Public propertyEnableTooltipHtml
If set, then custom tooltip html will be shown instead of default one
Public propertyEnableTooltips
Allows long (html) tooltips to be shown for the shapes
Public propertyFileName
The name of the root path
Public propertyFollowHyperlinks
Set to true to enable shape-click hyperlink processing. If a shape has a hyperlink, on click that hyperlink will be opened
Public propertyGitHub
Additional options for the github publication
Public propertyHTML
Custom html code to be embedded (optional)
Public propertyJS
Custom javascript code to be embedded (optional)
Public propertyMarkOfTheWeb
Instructs to include the "Mark of the Web" into the pages Useful if publishing for viewing localy with Internet Explorer (without web server) to avoid "security" warnings
Public propertyOpenHyperlinksInNewWindow
If set, then clicked shapes with hyperlinks will be opened in the new window by default
Public propertyPopoverContentHtml
Specifies popover HTML (compiled) for the content
Public propertyPopoverContentMarkdown
Specifies popover Markdown (source code) for the content
Public propertyPopoverLocation
Specifies location for the popover (top/bottom/left/right)
Public propertyPopoverTitleHtml
Specifies popover HTML (compiled) for the title
Public propertyPopoverTitleMarkdown
Specifies popover Markdown (source code) for the title
Public propertyRightSidebar
If set, then the sidebar will be shown on the right side (left by default)
Public propertySafariFullscreen
Allow "fullscreen" mode for the SAFARI (iOS) brwoser
Public propertySelectedPages
If set, only selected pages will be published
Public propertySelectedPagesText
Lists the pages to be published (selected pages) The pages shoule be comma-separated
Public propertySharePoint
Additional options for the SharePoint publication
Public propertySidebarHtml
Custom sidebar hrml (compiled)
Public propertySidebarMarkdown
Custom sidebar markdown
Public propertySinglePage
If set, only current page will be published.
Public propertyStartPageId
The root (start) page The publishing will return URL to this page
Public propertySupportFiles
Specifies how to publish support files. - Deploy/Skip/UseCDN
Public propertyTargetVisioOnline
If true, then publication will be for VisioOnline
Public propertyTooltipHtml
Custom tooltip html (compiled)
Public propertyTooltipLocation
Specifies location for the tooltip (top/bottom/left/right)
Public propertyTooltipMarkdown
Custom tooltip markdown
Public propertyTopLevelOnly
When exporting, considers teh top-level shapes only for selection/hyperlinks/etc (ignores all sub-shapes).
Public propertyTwoFingersTouch
Require two fingers touch to pan the drawing (one finger touch scrolls the "whole" screen) May be useful to support embedding of the picture for touch-enabled screens.
Public propertyUrlPrefix
Used internally by the exporer, do not use
Public propertyZoomCtrl
Require SHIFT key to be hold down to start zoom. Can be useful to prevent unwanted scroll when embedding Ingored for touch devices, only valid for mouse wheel
Public propertyZoomShift
Require SHIFT key to be hold down to start zoom. Can be useful to prevent unwanted scroll when embedding Ingored for touch devices, only valid for mouse wheel
See Also