Pokemon office – more html popovers

New sample with updated javascript code / template created with svg publishing, to show stuff in the office (click the picture open it live) https://nbelyh.github.io/svgpublishdemo/demo/PokemonBldgPlan2.html The javascript is very similar to the one described in the Dynamic popups on published diagrams, you can check it in the source diagram. Just the formatting is different, now it …

Dynamic popups (“popovers”) on published diagrams

With HTML export, you  can specify any information to show on popup (bootstrap popover) Firs, simple demo (rectangle): Live sample: https://cdn.rawgit.com/nbelyh/svgpublishdemo/fa70891f/SimplePopover.html Souce:  This is just stock popover. The code just defines a standard bootstrap popover, but for a Visio shape (#shape1). The result might not look that impressive, but I hope it looks clear. …

Exporting html diagrams – binding to live services

This post briefly explains how to bind Visio diagram, exported as HTML to some external live web-service. It’s based on the HTML/SVG export extension. If you want the exported diagram to be connected to some live data,  you’ll need to connect to some live service (in this example, we consider a …

VBA Import/Export Addin

This free Visio add-in helps to import and export VBA code from Visio to a folder. The addin can exports and import the code from "ThisDocument", forms (.frm), classes (.cls) and modules (.bas) It may be handy if you want to track changes to the VBA code which is located in a …